Sunday, April 26, 2009

Closing Thoughts

Hey there,

Not sure if I really have an audience anymore since I have not written since January. I realized that I really do not like to blog, I prefer to send an individual an email or talk to them through skype rather than try to tell everyone what's going on through one post. I don't know why it was so hard for me to keep it up.
I wasn't planning on doing another post, but I felt like I needed to have a real last post, with some closing thoughts about my experience this year.

This semester was SO much better than my first one, I finally felt comfortable living in Quito and felt adjusted to my life here. Last semester I traveled a lot because I was always the happiest when I was not in Quito. This semester I have traveled less and spent more time in Quito, and have been happy.

The last post I wrote was right before my mom came to visit me, it was really nice having her here, but it was also hard because I knew she would be leaving and I would still be staying here. However, I am really glad she came because I feel like it is really hard to share my experience with people when they can't really imagine where I live, so I was glad she could see where I live. The day she left I went and signed up for salsa lessons because it was something I really wanted to do while I was here. I took lessons for two months with some friends and it was so much fun! I stopped lessons right before our spring break, where I went to Chile with a friend.

Sorry this post is jumping from thought to thought.

I am glad I stayed for my second semester, I seriously thought about not staying for another semester last semester because I was having such a hard adjustment, but I am glad that I stayed because if I had gone home last semester I would have thought this experience was the worst choice I ever made in my life, but by staying for a second semester I was able to enjoy my experience here. I have had some really good times here and some really hard times here. I learned a lot about myself by being here and I learned that I will never live in a big city. Lately I have been thinking about if I would go through this experience again if I knew what I knew now. I don't think I would, even though my experience is ending well, I think if I had chosen a program that fit me better I would have enjoyed my time even more and would not have had such a hard and long adjustment. I don't regret this experience, a lot of good did come out of it, but I just don't think I would do it again. I really wanted to have an experience where I didn't want to go back home, where I had made a lot of friends and felt like I really had a life. After this experience, I realized how much I love Oregon and how I don't want to live anywhere else, but I feel like if I had chosen a different program that fit me better possibly I would have been able to see myself living somewhere else.
Last semester, the only thing I wanted was to be sad to leave, really really sad to leave. About a week ago, I was thinking about going home and about some of the people I may never see again and it did make me feel sad, the thing is I will still be super happy to get on that plane on May 19th to go home.

A few weeks ago I was crossing the street to get to the university and I was thinking about how normal it was for me to be going to the university because it has become such a rutine of mine. Then I started thinking about how I thought I was pretty comfortable living in Quito and going to USFQ and was thinking that even though I wouldn't want to stay here longer, I could do it because I had adjusted. If I didn't go back to Linfield next year (don't worry I am going back), it wouldn't be that big of a deal because I feel like I have distanced myself quite a bit in a year...I would miss my friends a lot, but not Linfield (I miss Linfield now, but what I am saying is it wouldn't be hard not to go back). I started talking to Ali about this while we were in our ceramics workshop and I started thinking, could I actually be here longer? Maybe the only reason I feel content now is because my time here is almost up...and that thoroughly depressed me because I realized that was it. If I had to be here longer I wouldn't feel content like I do now, the only reason why I am content is because I am going home soon, so there is no reason to feel discontent, it will be over soon. I don't know why it upset me so much, but it did. I really had thought I was content with being here, and I am, but only until May 19th.

Like I said before, this semester was so much better than last semester and I really did enjoy my time here. I don't regret this experience, but I don't think I would do it again knowing what I know now.

I feel like there is so much more to say, but I am having trouble putting it into words and I feel like I am just being repetitive now.

I can't believe I have less than a month left here! It's so crazy to think about and weird to think I will actually be going back home.

I am spending my last week here with a few friends at the beach, I think that will be a good way to end my time here.

Well, I hope this post somewhat made sense.
See you in Portland!


Joy said...

looking forward to seeing you!!

and your post made a lot of sense i think, it seemed very honest. i really can't wait to see you.

Sam said...

I'm so glad that you felt the second semester was worth your stay. I'm sure you leared loads about your own character. We'll have lots of stories to share next term living together. : )

beth said...

nadia love, this is exactly how i felt about england. just know that everything you are feeling and thinking about is 100% valid in spite of being what other people would call contradictory. i'm so glad that you have been able to own your experience in quito this term... that will make all the difference in how you remember it years from now. i love you!!