Sunday, December 28, 2008

I survived :)

When I started this semester, I honestly did not think I was going to make it....let alone stay for the second semester....but somehow I did it and am looking forward to my second semester. This is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life, I really had no idea what I was getting myself into. I thought sure it will be hard at first, but I most definitely did not know how hard it would be and how long it would take me to fully adjust to being here. The first two months were horrible, the only time I was happy was on the weekends that I traveled and I always dreaded having to come back to Quito. After the first couple of months, I started feeling the weight of homesicknesses lift off of me a little bit and I was starting to feel okay living in Quito. There still are days when I absolutely hate Quito and the constant traffic I hear out of my window, but I am also learning to appreciate the things living in a city has to offer, such as public transportation to pretty much anywhere, theaters, malls, restaurants and tons of other things to do with my friends. I live right next to a mall that I frequently visit and I live right across from a big park, La Carolina. I am so glad that there is something green outside my window because I think I would go crazy just looking at buildings.

A couple of weeks ago when everyone who was here for a semester was leaving, was a little bit hard because I was thinking "yeah it would be nice to go home" and a lot of the friends I made here were going home, but thats okay. I am so glad I have friends here who are here for the year, without them I would not have made it.

I decided that it is good that I am here for another semester because if I was going home right now I would think this whole experience was a waste of time because I spent about half the semester really depressed and didn't want to do anything. I am now looking forward to doing more volunteering next semester, to taking salsa lessons, to working harder in my classes, to doing more with the human rights club, to getting to know my host family better, to traveling more, and for my mom coming to visit me in January! I am looking forward to making the best of this next semester because I know it will go by faster than I think. I just want to say thankyou to those of you who have heard me complain A LOT this semester, it has been really nice having friends to count on :)

I have a miscellaneaous Ecuador photo album that I have added some more pics to, so here is the link:


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Nadia. I know how it would feel living in the another country. When I first come to the US, I didn't know anything, I almost cried everyday. But I survied. Last summer, I went China to visit my family, I had the big culture shock. I couldn't stand on the busy traffic, but later I had good time traveling. I hope you will have fun rest of the school year and make more friends there.
