Monday, August 18, 2008

Leaving for Ecuador :)

Hello all,

I have never kept a blog before, so I am not sure how good I will be at keeping it up, but I will try my best :) After much thought, discussion, and consideration I decided that a blog would be better for me than a mass email because I don't want to bombard anyone with emails and I figure if you are interested in hearing about my time in Ecuador it will be easy enough to visit my blog. :)
Well, I am at Linfield right now, sitting next to Becca in Greens #14 (aka my home for the next few days:) and then I will be going home to finish packing and finally leaving for the airport on Saturday morning. I am getting more excited and more nervous as the week goes by, but looking forward to finally arriving in Quito, Ecuador. :) I will be living with a host family and I know that my host mom is a painter and my host dad is a retired General from the Ecuadorian army. They have two sons who are married and live closeby. That is about all I know at the moment :) While I was in Libya this summer I registered for classes and am currently registered to take: Grammar, Advanced Conversation, Social Problems of Ecuador, Ecuadorian Politics, and a Yoga class (that I may drop for a hiking class). I was trying to take a lighter load this semester because I will also be doing a Psychology research study during my first semester.
I don't really have anything else to say at the moment, but check back sometime in the next couple of weeks and I should have another post :)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Naja!

Even though I am here with you, I am really excited to read your blog! :)

See you on Tuesday!