Saturday, August 30, 2008

First days at USFQ

Wednesday was the first day of classes. The maid, Gloria, took me to the University to show me how to use the bus system. We left at 7am even though I didn’t have class until noon, but that was fine with me because I got to explore for a bit and use the internet there. My class at noon ended up being canceled, it is a community service class that is a requirement for all USFQ students to take. I have now dropped the class because I found out that it is really only for USFQ students. My next class was Ecuadorian Politics and it sounds interesting, but the Professor is not the most interesting person to listen to for 90 minutes. I am thinking of dropping that class for a class called Introduction to International Relations, but I am not sure yet.

I take two buses to get to school and two buses from school (it takes about 45minutes each way). I went back from school by myself on Wednesday and took the wrong second bus, but it wasn’t a big deal because I was on the street I live off of, so I just had to walk 4 or 5 blocks. There really seems to be no set bus route or schedule, which is a little weird to get adjusted to. Thursday was going to be my first time going to the university on the bus by myself, but when I walked out of my building the security guard asked me if I was taking the bus, I said yes and he told me that the buses weren’t running. I asked him why and he said that they are on strike because they want to raise the amount you pay to ride the bus from 25cents to 35cents. He said that they would start running again at 9am, but since I had class at 8:30am that wasn’t going to work for me. So, I had to take a taxi to where I catch a green bus (these take us to the university and were running).

When I got to school my 8:30am class was andinismo (the hiking class), I found out that it is more like a mountain climbing class where we belay one another up mountains and I started thinking that I may not like this class. The professor was really nice and he told us that one of the mountains we were climbing just became an active volcano and you can see the lava around it. He said he was hoping it would erupt while we were there because that would be “cheverisimo” or “really cool”. After the class ended I went to the computer lab and dropped the class. My other classes on Thursday went well, I had Grammar, Conversation, and Social Problems of Ecuador. I don’t have classes on Friday, but I went to the University anyway because there really isn’t much for me to do in my apartment. Katelyn and her host sister, Dani, were in Cumbaya (where the university is) and so I met up with them and Dani showed us around the town. Last night, Katelyn and Jen came over to my apartment and we watched “The Bee Movie” because it was pretty much the only movie we have here (it was that or a Princess movie). It was nice to have them over.

I am still trying to adjust to living here, but I think it is going to take me a while before I feel comfortable. I hope everyone is doing well and please email me with updates on how you all are doing! I miss you all!


Anonymous said...

Hahahaha, Oh my goodness Nadia! You have no idea how the part about the mountain class made my day! I can so imagine it! I miss you SO MUCH! Tell Katelyn and Jen I say hello!

Unknown said...

Wow! I can't say I would've felt entirely comfortable either, being told that I'd spend the next semester jumping over lava and climbing deadly cliffs. No thank you! It's good that you're getting your classes switched early. Cheers to that. I'm sure things will get easier once you know for certain that you're in all the right ones.
-Ben L