Thursday, May 14, 2009

A few more thoughts to share

I wasn't planning on writing more after my last post, but I have a few more thoughts to share.
Last week I started to feel nervous to go home and I wasn't sure why. I have looked forward to the day when I would leave since I got here, I mean I have enjoyed many parts of my experience, but I have always had a longing to go back home. Now the time has come for me to go and part of me doesn't want to. I really want to go home, but it makes me nervous to think about. Saying goodbye to people will be weird, hard and awkward, especially to people who have become a part of my life and now I may never see them again. I think I am nervous because I am definitely a creature of habit and don't exactly like big changes, coming here was a big change and it took me a long time to adjust. But, I adjusted and being here became my life and I created a rutine here. Now, in order to go back I must break that rutine and either create a new rutine at home or go back into an old rutine....something that I am not sure if I will be able to do easily.

On my last day at the University I was pretty sad. I said bye to some people I will really miss and I said bye to a place that was my haven from Quito. The University, while it was hard to make friends with the students and connect with them and some of the classes were jokes, I loved the time I spent sitting around the laguna either by myself, listening to my ipod, doing homework, or chatting with other students. I loved the fact that the University was a safe place, where I didn't feel like I had to constantly be aware of where I put my valuables, and it was not in Quito. I will miss it. I went through so much to adjust to living here and I feel like I did a lot of that adjusting while I was at the university, sitting near the laguna, with other linfielders.

I know I am really happy to go home, I couldn't stay here any longer, I am ready to go home, and I could never live here, but I am still sad. I think it's because it was such a big deal, the experience was huge, and really, really hard and the fact that it will just be over doesn't seem like it does it any justice. I don't know what would, but I think I am nervous to go back because it means the end of my experience and I don't know how to share it with people and how to tell them what I did for the past nine months and how I felt.

I just came back this morning from spending a few days at the beach with Ali. It was a small beach that we went to last semester and really enjoyed. There were hardly any people there, and we spent the whole time swimming, laying in the sun, sitting in hammocks and just relaxing. It was the perfect way to end some time here and I didn't want to leave, but there are some last things I need to do in Quito and people to spend some time with before I leave this adventure behind.

I hope you are all doing well and I will be seeing you soon!

Peace and Love,

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Closing Thoughts

Hey there,

Not sure if I really have an audience anymore since I have not written since January. I realized that I really do not like to blog, I prefer to send an individual an email or talk to them through skype rather than try to tell everyone what's going on through one post. I don't know why it was so hard for me to keep it up.
I wasn't planning on doing another post, but I felt like I needed to have a real last post, with some closing thoughts about my experience this year.

This semester was SO much better than my first one, I finally felt comfortable living in Quito and felt adjusted to my life here. Last semester I traveled a lot because I was always the happiest when I was not in Quito. This semester I have traveled less and spent more time in Quito, and have been happy.

The last post I wrote was right before my mom came to visit me, it was really nice having her here, but it was also hard because I knew she would be leaving and I would still be staying here. However, I am really glad she came because I feel like it is really hard to share my experience with people when they can't really imagine where I live, so I was glad she could see where I live. The day she left I went and signed up for salsa lessons because it was something I really wanted to do while I was here. I took lessons for two months with some friends and it was so much fun! I stopped lessons right before our spring break, where I went to Chile with a friend.

Sorry this post is jumping from thought to thought.

I am glad I stayed for my second semester, I seriously thought about not staying for another semester last semester because I was having such a hard adjustment, but I am glad that I stayed because if I had gone home last semester I would have thought this experience was the worst choice I ever made in my life, but by staying for a second semester I was able to enjoy my experience here. I have had some really good times here and some really hard times here. I learned a lot about myself by being here and I learned that I will never live in a big city. Lately I have been thinking about if I would go through this experience again if I knew what I knew now. I don't think I would, even though my experience is ending well, I think if I had chosen a program that fit me better I would have enjoyed my time even more and would not have had such a hard and long adjustment. I don't regret this experience, a lot of good did come out of it, but I just don't think I would do it again. I really wanted to have an experience where I didn't want to go back home, where I had made a lot of friends and felt like I really had a life. After this experience, I realized how much I love Oregon and how I don't want to live anywhere else, but I feel like if I had chosen a different program that fit me better possibly I would have been able to see myself living somewhere else.
Last semester, the only thing I wanted was to be sad to leave, really really sad to leave. About a week ago, I was thinking about going home and about some of the people I may never see again and it did make me feel sad, the thing is I will still be super happy to get on that plane on May 19th to go home.

A few weeks ago I was crossing the street to get to the university and I was thinking about how normal it was for me to be going to the university because it has become such a rutine of mine. Then I started thinking about how I thought I was pretty comfortable living in Quito and going to USFQ and was thinking that even though I wouldn't want to stay here longer, I could do it because I had adjusted. If I didn't go back to Linfield next year (don't worry I am going back), it wouldn't be that big of a deal because I feel like I have distanced myself quite a bit in a year...I would miss my friends a lot, but not Linfield (I miss Linfield now, but what I am saying is it wouldn't be hard not to go back). I started talking to Ali about this while we were in our ceramics workshop and I started thinking, could I actually be here longer? Maybe the only reason I feel content now is because my time here is almost up...and that thoroughly depressed me because I realized that was it. If I had to be here longer I wouldn't feel content like I do now, the only reason why I am content is because I am going home soon, so there is no reason to feel discontent, it will be over soon. I don't know why it upset me so much, but it did. I really had thought I was content with being here, and I am, but only until May 19th.

Like I said before, this semester was so much better than last semester and I really did enjoy my time here. I don't regret this experience, but I don't think I would do it again knowing what I know now.

I feel like there is so much more to say, but I am having trouble putting it into words and I feel like I am just being repetitive now.

I can't believe I have less than a month left here! It's so crazy to think about and weird to think I will actually be going back home.

I am spending my last week here with a few friends at the beach, I think that will be a good way to end my time here.

Well, I hope this post somewhat made sense.
See you in Portland!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Nice People

Hey all,

So, we are in the second full week of classes right now. I am really looking forward to almost all of my classes. I am taking a jewelry making class (I love the Professor!), yoga (love it!), arabic (also am excited for this class), phonetics (looking forward to it), Advanced Spanish (a grammar class that I am going to learn a ton in), and a history class that I am not sure how much i will like, but will learn from it.

Sometimes I just really like strangers. I can be having a really bad day and talking to a stranger will make me really happy. On Friday morning I went to the post office to pick up a package that my parents had sent me (at the end of november). It was my first time going there, so I had no idea what the process was to get a package. When I was walking to the post office, I saw a guy a few feet ahead of me, just leaning against the wall. I was thinking to myself "oh great, he is going to make some kind of comment as i walk by", so I braced myself to ignore him and as I walked by he said "Buenos dias" and I was so shocked that I almost forgot to say "Buenos dias" back to him. It made me smile that he had greated me. Then, I entered the post office and had no idea what line i was supposed to wait in, i started to look around to see what the different signs said and then a guy came up to me and asked me if I was there to pick up a package, I said yes and he pointed me to the line I was supposed to stand in line. I thanked him and got in line. A few minutes later, another guy got in line behind me and started talking to me and telling me how he had come the day before, but the post office had to close before it was his turn and so he had to come back. I told him it was my first time at the post office so he started to tell me the whole process I had to go through. Then it was my turn in line.

After I went through the first line I had to sit down and wait for my number to be called. I took a seat in the back in an empty row. The guy who had first helped me when I walked in was sitting a couple rows in front of me and when he saw me sit down he moved up one to sit and talk with me. We had a really nice conversation and it didn't end with "can I have your phone number?" so it made me really happy to have a nice conversation with a stranger.

When my name was called I met a lady who took me to find my package and she was so cheerful and was just asking me questions about my life and it just made my day a lot brighter. She was looking for my package number and without knowing what the number was I pointed out to her my package because it was in a Dansko box that I recognized from my dad's stores. She opened the package in front of me to check to make sure there were no illegal substances inside, sealed it back up and sent me to another desk. After that desk, the bank, the copy center, back to the desk, and then to another desk, I finally got my package (a two hour process).

This morning, I was waiting for my bus and there was another lady waiting also. All of the sudden she turned to me and asked me "What bus are you waiting for?" and I told her the name, and she says "yeah, me too" and told me how she can take that bus or another bus to go to los granados. I told her that I was also going to los granados and she asked me where i was going, i told her to the university in Cumbaya. She said that I could also take the other bus to get there, I was kind of thinking "hmm okay, but i have never heard of that bus." The bus she was talking about (that i have never taken) came and she said "come on, lets go!" and I asked the driver if the bus goes to los granados and he said yes, so i hopped on. As I took my seat I was thinking "I really hope there is not more than one "los granados" and the lady sat down next to me saying "dont worry i wont get you lost". She was really nice and really talkative, but also hard to understand, I think she was from the coast, so she had a different accent. I did end up arriving where i needed to, I have no idea what bus i took, so i probably will never be able to do it again, but it was really nice talking with this lady. :)

Anyway, I was just sitting in my room thinking about how it is really nice meeting nice strangers in a big city, because sometimes just talking to a stranger will make me a whole lot happier.

Hope everyone is well,

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to All!

I spent this New Years with my host family, and I think that was one of the best decisions I have made :) In the afternoon I went shopping with my host mom to buy some food for that night. We were at this supermarket and I was surprised by how many people my host mom knew, I guess I really shouldn't be all that surprised because she really can talk a lot :) When we were in the car driving home, we were at a stoplight and she got really excited all of the sudden because she saw her friend. She reached into the backseat and said that she had a Christmas gift to him, she rolled down her window and this little old man, with no hands and one leg, came hobbling to the window and my host mom starting going on about how she was looking for him the other day to give him his gift, he smiled, took the gift and told her that he couldn't work that day because one of his kids was sick. It made me so happy to see this side of my host mom, because even though she talks about helping those in need, I have sometimes felt that it was just talk and no action, but I am so happy to have been proven wrong :)
After getting back to the house, I helped my host sister, Katy, set the table for that evening. A little bit later I started a movie with my niece, Maria Belen, and then my host brother, Patricio, and his wife, their son, and his wife's son all came over. I continued hanging out with my niece and then joined everyone else for dinner, afterwards my niece had us all playing musical chairs and other games that she invented. Then, Patricio says we should all do karaoke and I came to find out that my host parents have a karaoke machine. So we spent the next two hours doing karaoke and it was so much fun! We stopped in order to count down for New Years, then we all gave each other hugs and kisses and shot some firework things outside our building. We were going to burn a doll because that is what everyone does, but apparently it is now illegal and you can get a $200 fine and even though the whole city still did it, my law-abiding host dad said that we couldn't. The burning of the dolls is something that is really interesting. The dolls generally have faces of political figures and by burning them you are supposed to get rid of all the bad things that happened in the past year and put it behind you and bring good luck for the new year. The most popular faces this year were: Rafael Correa, Hugo Chavez, Evo Morales, Barack Obama, Paco Moncavo, Jaime Nebot, Corcho Cordero, and Fidel Castro. I was shocked that President Bush was not on the list and I told my host mom and she told him that people must have just gotten tired of burning him because they have been burning him for years. The picture to the left shows the most popular faces. The few days before New Years my host mom told me are days where people play jokes on each other, it basically reminded me of April Fools Day. My host mom was telling me about all the things she has done, which include, spending all night with her maid cracking open walnuts and filling them with flies and flour and sealing them back up. She said that her brother was over one day after she had done this and he asked if he could have a walnut, she said sure go ahead and he picked it up and was about to open it with his teeth, she stopped him and told him that he should use the nut cracker and he said "oh no, I have strong teeth", so he opened it with his teeth and out came flies and flour into his mouth. He was thoroughly upset with my host mom and she claims he did not talk to her for a year after that. She has also put soap in lemonade for her guests, put sticky glue stuff to the toilet seat so you get stuck to it, put black dye on the phone so the person who talks on it gets a black ear, and various other things. Another tradition for New Years is for the "viudas (widows)" to come out. However, these widows are men who dress up as women. On New Years eve the streets are filled with men dressed up as women and they are asking for money adn you really have no choice but to give them money because they dont let you pass until they do. I looked out my window and saw about 15 men stopping the traffic, flashing people in their cars until they got money, it is pretty interesting. There are also a bunch of superstitions that people have about things to do on New Years eve, such as it is good luck to wear yellow underwear, right before midnight you are supposed to eat 12 grapes (one for each month), at midnight you are supposed to run around the block with a suitcase in your hand (yes, I did see someone doing that outside), and many others that I can't remember at the moment.
New Years here was very interesting and I had a lot of fun with my family. One thing that has been good about this break is the fact that I have been able to spend more time with my host family. I went to my host sisters apartment for the first time a couple of days ago and that was cool, I really enjoyed spending more time with her on New Years. Last week I was having lunch with my host parents and my host sister and they started a conversation about all the bad things that they did as kids (the conversation was sparked by the behavior of my little niece) and the things they talked about were so bad, but so funny also, I think it was the most I have ever laughed with my host family. I am teaching my host mom to play poker and she is teaching me how to knit, so that is kind of exciting. I am going to post some more photos below and hopefully I will get an album up on facebook soon for you all to check out.

These are the bodies of the dolls, life size.

Me and my niece, Maria Belen.

My host dad, Telmo, singing.

My host brother, Patricio, and my host mom, Martha, singing together.

Martha, Katy (host sister) and Me.